Vaccine Q&A – Facebook Live
Have you felt overwhelmed by the vaccine discussion? To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?
You’re not alone! In fact, your question may have been answered in Dr. Lynch’s recent FB Live. The following are the Top 6 audience submitted questions on vaccines.
QUESTION: Vaccines Are there truly any vaccines that are worth giving my child?
QUESTION: What are the top qualifying factors that put children at risk for reacting to vaccines or developing autism?
QUESTION: Which ingredients, excipients, adjuvants in vaccines are the most dangerous for people with MTHFR?
Question: Are there truly any vaccines that are worth giving my child?
QUESTION: Do you think MTHFR should be a medical exemption for not getting vaccines?
QUESTION: Can we address the dangers for those who are previously not vaccinated who now have to get vaccinated?
QUESTION: Can you tell us about travel vaccinations?
Did you catch the FB Live where I answered the Top 5 questions on #vaccines? @drbenlynch
Full Transcript
Q: List the top vaccines that we should not get for our children.
A: He shared with me what the top three were from his clinical experience. His clinical experience of 13,000 children is pretty significant. Number one, hepatitis B. Hepatitis B was a vaccine that has been used for a long time but it got moved. It used to be when the children were of sexual age, when they’re getting already in the teenage years. That’s when hepatitis B used to be given. It got moved in the early 2000s like 2003 or 2002 or so.
It’s now given as a newborn. A newborn is receiving the hepatitis B vaccine. The only time hepatitis B should be received is if it’s born from a mother having hepatitis B herself, but that’s very, very rare. Dr. Thomas has never seen a woman in his practice with hepatitis b or a child with hepatitis B. He’s in Portland Oregon. He’s seen over 13,000 kids. He’s seen none of them. Hepatitis B is one you should seriously consider about not getting for your child. If your baby or you’re planning on having a delivery in a hospital, I highly recommend telling the nurses and your OBs or your midwives that you do not want the hepatitis B vaccine.
Make sure it’s written in the note and you seriously need to protect your baby from the vaccine. Because what they’ll do is they will write it down that you don’t want the vaccine but you’ll be sleeping in the middle of the night, and the nurse will come in unknowingly and see that hepatitis B wasn’t given and they will inject your baby thinking that they’re doing you and your baby a service but they’re not because you didn’t want it. So a word of caution there.
Second, multi-dose flu vaccines still has thimerosal in it. It still has mercury. The best protection against the flu is a healthy immune system. Just have a healthy immune system. There’s many ways to do that. Do not use the multi-flu vaccine. Do not.
HPV. The human papilloma virus. You’re hearing it on the radio. You’re seeing it in magazines. It’s on TV. They’re pushing this like crazy. It is very dangerous. There are many, many people struggling with the side effects from HPV vaccines. It’s about one in ten are having significant side effects. A close friend of mine, their child was a teenage boy. He got the HPV vaccine, put in a wheelchair. Thankfully they called me and asked for my help and asked what could be causing this. I said, “Has he received anything new?” They said HPV vaccine. I said, “Alright. I’ll look at the mechanisms.” I just calmed everything down with him and restored him. He’s back to total normal as we speak currently today. Thank goodness for that. What I did was I supported his methylation.
These are the top three that you should avoid. Hepatitis B is something that you should seriously consider when your child is much older and getting into the sexual years and hopefully not doing IV drugs. Those are the top 3. Do not use.
In Paul Thomas’ research in his clinic, he has The Vaccine-Friendly Plan. That’s the name of his book. He has not seen any children become autistic by using his Vaccine-Friendly Plan. By eliminating these three alone, he has not seen children developing autism. Big point.
Q: Are there truly any vaccines that my child needs?
A: That’s a loaded question. I will share this. One word. Depends. Next. No. I won’t be the hand. My first year in med school my son was born. I gave him the full schedule and he reacted. For two days he was screaming and crying, had a fever, the typical vaccination problems. But he recovered thankfully. His genetics are pretty good. So that’s great. My oldest got all of them. My middle boy got two, two only. My youngest, none. That’s a personal situation I’m sharing with you all.
What I want to share is here, the location. Where are you? Who’s around you? Are you traveling to third-world countries? Are you not? Are you having people coming from poor, under-developed countries and staying with you? These are really important questions to ask. Also, what is the risk benefit? Is there more risk to the vaccine than the benefit? For some people, the odds of having a problem and getting the vaccine to reduce that potential problem is like a million to one. If you’re comfortable in having a million to one odds that you won’t get the problem, then you should consider potentially not having that vaccine. The risk benefits are really important to weigh. It depends on a lot of variables which is why I wrote “depends.” But it’s a great question. Personally, my youngest boy I haven’t vaccinated gun at all and I don’t have any intention to do so. That’s my personal view. If you are considering vaccines, then The Vaccine -Friendly Plan once again.
Q: Which ingredients, excipients, adjuvants in vaccines are the most dangerous for people with MTHFR?
A: I want to say we need to eliminate with MTHFR because it doesn’t matter if you have MTHFR or not because these components in vaccines can be pretty significant and they can do some significant harm. What are they?
Number one, aluminum. As many of you know, thimerosal has been removed from most vaccines, most of them. But again, a multi-dose flu vial still has it. The multi-dose flu vaccines still have thimerosal in them. Most vaccines contain aluminum. The schedule that they have going these days and how many flu shot or how many vaccines you get in one visit, if you add up all that aluminum in a single day exposure for a small baby infant, it’s a lot. It’s a lot.
Dr. Bob Sears discussed this. I forget what he said. I think it’s like 1250 micrograms of aluminum are received two to three times by an infant in a single day. But the safe level dose is around 20 micrograms. 20 micrograms is the safe dose for aluminum per day, but yet they’re getting over a thousand based upon the current vaccine schedule. That is a red flag. Thank you Dr. Sears for doing that math. Not easy to do finding all these spec sheets.
Number two, thimerosal. That’s a given. You know that.
Number three, potential allergens. They have a lot of things in vaccines. There is chicken embryos. There is monkey kidneys seriously. There is a number of things. Let me show you here. I go straight to the source when I try to find these things. This is the CDC website. I want to see what the facts are. Here’s the link if you want to go here later. What I did, I found this one little PDF link down here at the bottom. I know this is backwards for you for those on Facebook Live. But you can go here later, not now. You click this link down below.
What it brings up is this PDF by the vaccine and it shows you what it contains. This is pretty enlightening information. The adenovirus has food coloring Yellow #6. Why? Why food coloring in there? But if that was the least of my worries, that would be great because that’s all over the place. D-fructose is also bad but that’s also pretty minor.
What concerns me is the aluminum here. We have aluminum here, right? That’s aluminum lake dye. We have albumin. We have monosodium glutamate in here. I don’t know what Modified Eagle’s Medium is. I’m not sure. But moving on, we have formaldehyde down here. We have ammonium citrate. We’ve got ammonium in this one. We have aluminum in the DT vaccine. We have bovine extract, again formaldehyde, again more ammonia, thimerosal. There’s that one and so on. Right here, monkey kidney cells. These things are not supposed to be in a newborn.
I get it. Vaccines have helped individuals. They have. But I say why can’t we clean this up? Why can’t we remove three-fourths of this at least and not use aluminum but use other things or researching polysaccharides? They’re looking at polysaccharides to be an alternative to aluminum. This is what’s in here. This is a fact sheet of what’s in here. You can go there and here is the link below.
Q: What are the top qualifying factors that put children at risk for reacting to vaccines or developing autism?
A: Number one, age. They’re too little. Their immune system is too young. It’s not ready for this. The babies’ immune systems are not ready. Their livers are not ready to process that bunch of aluminum in a single dose. Their livers are still growing. Some babies have jaundice. That is a problem. Age is a big issue.
Number two, current health status. There is a vaccine court as many of you know. Dr. Mikovits is very often in vaccine court. She just won a case last December 2016 where a child who had a fever was given a vaccine. That child went on to have irreversible brain damage. They proved in vaccine court that there was a definite connection here. If your child is not healthy, meaning they have a fever, they have diarrhea, they’re acting lethargic, they’re just not right, you should not vaccinate them. I was taught in med school that if a child is sick or has a fever, you don’t vaccinate. Plans have changed. Policies have changed. Policies are now child comes into the doctor’s office, and if the child is there, that is the time they need to vaccinate because they might not see that child again. Public health policy is if you see a patient, even if they’re sick, you need to vaccinate them. Be careful with that. Current health status is important.
Total body burden. Has your child been exposed to other things? Has he been exposed to chemicals in the environment? Have they incidentally got something? Are they loaded with chemicals or bacterial compounds, toxins that are causing them problems? If you add more aluminum or monkey kidney extracts or other things that puts a toll on your body burden, then they are going to have issues. Those issues can put a child on the spectrum and be identified as autistic.
Genetics. Genetics are also a big component because if you inject a compound or absorb a compound somehow through ingestion or on your skin or breathing or from food or from breast milk, then your body has to deal with it. A lot of times it deals with it by your genetics. If your glutathione system isn’t very strong for various reasons, then your ability to get and move aluminum out or arsenic out or if you have genetics for reduced methylation capacity like MTHFR or your inflammation is more prone to be becoming and staying on fire like you have SNPs in your TNF alpha or in your IL-1 or IL-6, which a lot of people do, then you are going to be more susceptible.
These children, their brains are on fire. Their brains are on fire. Dr. Daniel Amen talks about this. You have to make sure you can reduce the fire. Genetics can keep that fire going. We have to make sure.
These are the top four things that predispose a child to getting autism or being put on this autism spectrum. Again, I want to talk about the importance of reading the book, The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas because he talks about these things and his plan still shows that children can receive vaccines, but if you remove these three, they don’t get autism. So it’s important.
Any one of these can put a child at risk, any one. I put four here, but any one can cause a child to be put at risk. Please remember that. If their total load of environmental toxins is a problem, they can be put in autism risk. If their current health status, they have a fever or they’re lethargic, they can be put on the potential spectrum for vaccinations. If their genetics are bad and they’re alright, it’s not just MTHFR people. It’s not just MTHFR. There’s 20-somewhat thousand genes in the human body. I talk about MTHFR a lot, yes, but there’s many, many genes that increases susceptibility to a dysregulated immune system. That’s what vaccines do.
Age. Many children are getting too many vaccines too fast. Age is a problem. If you’re considering vaccinating your child and you’re really a proponent of getting vaccines or you need them, try them to the last possible moment so your child can get older like hepatitis B for example.
Q: Do you think MTHFR should be a medical exemption for not getting vaccines?
A: It’s a simple no. I say this not to be flippant, but I say it because it’s more complex than just one gene. Saying that you had the MTHFR genetic polymorphism that you can’t tolerate the vaccine is not how you should be going about it. Because it’s only one gene in the human body and MTHFR has been selected for over thousands of years. We have it in our biochemistry. It’s there. It’s in our DNA. These genetic polymorphisms are inherent and inherent for a reason. They’re selected for us. There is some benefit to having MTHFR.
Those children who have autism do appear to have a higher prevalence of having the MTHFR polymorphism. But it is not strong enough to be an isolated variable in my opinion to not have vaccines. I want to be scientific about this, and I think if we start going down the road and saying if a person has MTHFR, then they’re medically exempt from vaccines.
We are trying to make vaccines safer. We are trying to make them safer for those receiving them. If we are saying statements like this, then we are undermining our legitimacy. We need to be legitimate and come across this as professionals and the fight for cleaning vaccines and the fight for using the schedule intensity and the fight for reducing which vaccines are given to which children and which areas. If we start saying something like this that’s really generic, we are going to be undermining our credibility. So, no, I do not think MTHFR is sufficient to be a medical exemption in not getting vaccines. That’s way too complicated for that.
Q: Can we address the dangers for those who are previously not vaccinated who now have to get vaccinated?
A: Why is that? If you want to be in the medical profession and you are in certain states like California and your child needs to go to public school and your child is now 18 years old or 19 or what have you and they need to go to school and they don’t have any vaccines currently, they need to be quickly caught up to the full schedule. That is a problem because now you’re getting massive amounts of vaccines, a lot of aluminum, a lot of inflammation because that’s what adjuvants do. They increase inflammation so the body won’t respond to the vaccine.
What are the dangers from it? Well, the same dangers for those who are potentially getting autism from vaccines. Again, their current health status. If you are sick or your child is sick, don’t vaccinate them. Wait until they’re healthy. Prolong the schedule as long as you can as well. Read The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas. He talks about his plan. In fact, he’s researching it as we speak. He’s sowing great evidence.
The total body burden, again, if you have a lot of infections or you have mercury exposures or you would have just any type of environmental insult, maybe you went out and you sprayed Roundup all over your fields and you’ve got a lot of remnant in your system or you’re ingesting a lot of phthalates for various reasons. There’s a lot of chemicals in our system that may or may not be moving out. They may or may not be moving out because your genetics might be slowing that process down. If you have a glutathione deletion, then your ability to move chemicals out is a problem. If you have superoxide dismutase, your ability to quench inflammation or deal with fire, oxidative stress, is going to be a problem. Genetics are a big issue as well.
Again, for this one, I highly recommend you read The Vaccine-Friendly Plan and try to prolong the schedule as much as you can and try to avoid some of them and not take all of them. Again, avoid the top three: HPV, hepatitis B, and multi-dose flu vaccine. Try to avoid those. Again, any one of these can predispose you to a risk. Any one in isolation.
Q: Can you tell us about travel vaccinations?
A: This is a great question. I almost skipped it. But this is a phenomenal question. I love to travel and I had ton travel vaccinations because I travel. I’ve been to probably 40 to 50 countries. A lot of them were pretty undeveloped. This is an important point. This one I want to show you how you can research this yourself.
What do we do here? Again, there’s a risk benefit. You need to figure out what that is and when. Your total body burden and your genetics, how are they playing a role? Any one of these can put someone at risk. But let’s learn how you can weigh the risk benefit. Let’s dive into this a little bit more. I go to the CDC website and I go to Destinations. They ask where you’re going. I plug in Thailand here. Thailand is a great country. I’ve been there. I plug in Thailand and this is for travelers. Note this. For travelers, I chose Thailand. I hit Go. You can choose whatever you want to do, traveling with children, chronic disease, cruise ship, what-have-you. You can narrow the different options down, the recommendations.
The CDC gives you recommendations. All travelers should be on routine vaccines. I get that recommendation. Of course they will recommend that. Most travelers are talking about hepatitis A and the typhoid shot. Why is that? Because you can get hepatitis A from contaminated food or water and typhoid you can get from contaminated food and water as well. These are the strong recommendations that the CDC is recommending and for pretty good reasons. Some travelers should consider cholera, but some not all.
I think these are pretty reasonable. I said, “Alright, let’s look at typhoid because how do you get that?” Maybe I do want to get the vaccine for typhoid. What’s in it? What I do is I go to Google and I type typhoid package insert. If you type in package insert for whatever vaccine you want, you can figure out because all these are PDFs here and they show you what’s in it. I think this is really important information.
I click on this one from the FDA and it takes me here. This is interesting. This is the polysaccharide vaccine. As I mentioned in another video, that polysaccharides are looking to be a safer option than aluminum as an adjuvant. It seems to be supporting more TH1 TH2 immune function rather than the aluminum which is predominantly TH2 immune system which pushes autoimmunity and allergies. We’re seeing allergies skyrocketing. We’re seeing autoimmunity skyrocket. If that’s happening from aluminum as an adjuvant, then we should consider something like a polysaccharide. That’s a good option. There is no aluminum in here. There is no aluminum in the typhoid vaccine.
Let me ask you. Why is there no aluminum here? Why can we not use polysaccharides in the other vaccines? I don’t get it. So clean it up. If aluminum is the issue and the vaccine the problem is that they’re dirty and they’re not contaminated in that sense of the world but they’re filled up with things that shouldn’t be in there like aluminum or formaldehyde—and this one’s using polysaccharides—then why can’t we do that for all of them? I don’t know. I don’t get it. But anyhow, that’s how you find out what’s in your vaccine. This does have formaldehyde in it, not more than 100 micrograms but I personally don’t want any formaldehyde.
Remember they said that you can get typhoid from contaminated food and water. I said what if I travel with a really good water purifier? This one removes the problems connected for contaminated water. If you have this water filter with you, you can remove your risk for getting typhoid. That’s significant. That’s for water, not food. I reduce the risk in food. I am not sure. But cooking is probably one. Looking in a water filter is one good way to reduce your risk.
You say alright. You bring this information to your doctor. You say, “You know what? I’m going here. I want to bring this water filter. What do you recommend?” Doctors have their own clinician section. They click here. They click Thailand. They hit Go and this is their recommendations. This is what they see. Routine recommendations: Prepare travelers to Thailand with recommendations for vaccines and medications. What does this mean? How is this presented? As a health professional myself, I read this and it tells me, “Well, we need to go through all of these and give our recommendations.” But if you’re a health professional or a health professional you were referred to before going to Thailand is looking through this and they’re really pro-vaccine, then they might be recommending all of these. This goes on for many, many more.
If they’re really pro-vaccine, then they’re going to be recommending these pretty much all for you. If they’re very conservative and saying, “You know what? We need to be more careful with vaccines,” they’re going to have more bias towards not giving you as many. I think there is some judgment call here. I think it’s important for you to understand as an individual to know this and be aware what your doctor is going to do or not do in their presentation for you. You need to be educated and be ready. They say, “Well, you’re going to Thailand. You have to take the typhoid vaccine.” Well, maybe you do. Maybe you don’t. It is ultimately your choice.
I put these side by side, and I thought this was interesting. Again, the recommendations that the health professionals see and the recommendations that the patient sees for non-health professionals. I really like how the CDC presented this. I think this is brilliant. They did a great job. Their standard recommendations, strongly consider. Some people need it, and very few people need this. But for health professionals, it’s this down the line. It’s not broken down. They’re busy and they need to get stuff done. You come in. They want to vaccinate you and get you out and see the next patient. No fault to the health professional, but I wish that the health professionals have a recommendation the same as they are for the general public. But you now know that you can go and be prepared yourself.
I hope this serves you guys well. I want to say that we’ve got some good quality information for you at Put your email on there. We transcribed an interview that I have with Dr. Judy Mikovits who presented twice for us last conference, two standing ovations. I recently interviewed her on her stance on vaccine and what she’s experienced at vaccine court. You can get that full dialogue at You’ll get that PDF in the next day.
A lot of your questions around vaccines can be answered by reading The Vaccine-Friendly Plan by Dr. Paul Thomas. I keep plugging this because he is an absolute expert on this subject. He has vaccinated over 13,000 children in his practice and he has seen autism occur in his practice, and he has made a shift and he has reduced the incidence of autism in his practice to zero who are on his plan. Those who are on their routine schedule in his clinic are seeing autism at a rate of about 1 to 60 patients. That in which how fast autism he’s seeing in the general population. That’s what he is seeing in his clinic but he has modified it with his own plan. Begin The Vaccine-Friendly Plan book. Highly recommended.
Now we want to hear from you!
Share your feedback in the comments below…
Hi! I am breastfeeding, and I know I have the MTHFR mutation and so does my son. Through work, I am required to receive a flu vaccine. Is this safe to get while breastfeeding? My son is only 3 months old.
Thank you so much in advance for your expertise on this.
You will need to follow the instructions of your qualified healthcare professional. Dr. Lynch and his team are here to educate so that you can make the best decision for yourself.
Good information, I have 3 children, one ASD,and yes she was vaccinated. Do I believe vaccines are related , yes! too late now, damage has been done. Such a shame.